Early Afternoon Sessions

We also run an early afternoon sessions (12.30-3.30pm) for children aged 2-4 years.


This mixed age group consists of 2+ children and those eligible for ECCE. The group of 18 is smaller than the other ECCE groups

The Early Afternoon Sessions (12.30pm-3.30pm ) are €15 per session.  However, you may be entitled to the national childcare scheme .

Go to: affordablechildcare.ie for more information.

Daily Routine

Within a very fluid and organic structure there is an approximate routine that is followed on a daily basis. This, of course, is dependent on the day, weather and particular needs of the children

Greeting Time

Children and parents/carers are greeted and helped to settle into the session including putting lunches on plates at eating tables.

Planning Time

Children are welcomed to come together to make some plans for the day ahead.

Work Time

Children begin to work on their plans and are supported in carrying them out.

Small Group Time

Pre-planned activities are offered by staff to the children. These can vary hugely depending on seasons, festivals and children’s interests.

Outside Time

Nappy Changing/Toilet: (As Appropriate)


Communal eating time – all the children come together to eat and share news. This is a time when the children reflect or recall what plans they carried out earlier at work time and through the session.

Large Group Time

All the children are invited to join in the Large Group activities – Hide and Seek, Ball Games, etc.

Getting Ready To Go Home!